Our Approach

We believe our approach is one of the most prudent ways to invest. When it comes to our clients’ portfolios, we tell our clients that while home runs might be appealing, aiming for singles and doubles is a key element to their overall success. This approach seeks to get our clients where they need to be without getting greedy. We seek to mitigate downside risk while still participating in the potential upside. We believe this is where our consultative process truly adds value. 

Financial Planning Process

Leveraging Stifel’s financial planning process provides the opportunity to assess assets, savings, and investing practices, and the ability to address stated short- or long-term financial goals.
This consultative process involves:
  • Gaining an understanding of the your financial objectives
  • Gathering information and establishing goals
  • Analyzing the financial information against your stated objectives to determine whether there are any potential shortfalls to address
  • Presenting your plan and revising it if necessary 
  • Periodically reviewing and adjusting your plan with you as appropriate
With your goals and plan in place, let us help you see what’s possible for you down the road.
bull and bear